duties and Responsibities:Los Angeles Nutritionist LeeAnn Smith Weintraub, MPH, RD is a registered dietitian and food and nutrition writer who offers nutrition counseling and consulting services. Sessions with LeeAnn are customized to the needs of each client to keep them on track with their nutrition and health goals. LeeAnn will work with you, listen to you, and empower you to balance your diet, lose weight, prevent chronic disease, or eat right - whatever your goals may be.
salary: $55,240 $34,500, $77,590.
Education:Registered Dietitians (RD) are the food and nutrition experts who address today’s complex issues surrounding foods and nutrition. Because the RD credential is widely recognized as the designation that an individual is an expert in food and nutrition, most employers are looking for individuals with their RD certification in their qualifications for hire. The demand for RDs and nutritionists is expected to grow by 20 percent between 2010 and 2020, faster than the average for all occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. More information about becoming an RD is available on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
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Reflection: do you think you would like to be one?
why? and why not?
i dont think i would like to be one cause it looks hard and it look like its not my kinda job.
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