Autogenic Training
Duties and Responsiibilties: Schultz emphasized parallels to techniques in yoga andmeditation. It is a
method for influencing one's autonomic nervous system. Abbe Faria and
are the
forerunners of Schultz. There are many parallels toprogressive
relaxation. In 1963 Luthe discovered
the significance of "autogenic discharges", paroxysmic
Salary: Autogenic training restores the balance
between the activity of the sympathetic (flight or fight) and the parasympathetic(rest and digest) branches of the autonomic
nervous system.[citation needed] This has
important health benefits, as the parasympathetic activity promotes digestion and bowel movements, lowers the blood pressure, slows the heart rate, and promotes the functions of the immune
Education: Autogenic training can be taught by means of
the traditional exercises to children aged 10 years and upwards however, with
young children, the exercises must be turned into fantasy games by using
imagination techniques, taken from suggestion therapy, and narrations, taken
from fairytale therapy.
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Reflection: Do you think would like to be one ?
Why ? why
I don’t
really want to be one because I don’t
really think I will be a good one.
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